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Long Idea Reports

Leverage our proprietary Robo-Analyst technology and expert analysis to shine lights in the dark corners of corporate disclosures to identify quality companies at undervalued prices. Long Ideas generally have profitable operations, defensible moats and competitive advantages, and an undervalued stock price.

Assets analyzed: Large/Mid Cap and Small Cap stocks

Strategy: Long

Published: Bi-weekly

Price: $10,989/year or $999/month.

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Danger Zone (Short Idea) Reports

Leverage our proprietary Robo-Analyst technology and expert analysis to shine lights in the dark corners of corporate disclosures to identify companies with poor fundamentals trading at overvalued prices. Protect your portfolio from blowups, or find potential short ideas.

Danger Zone picks generally have unprofitable operations, lack of meaningful moat and competitive disadvantages, and a highly overvalued stock price.

Assets analyzed: Large/Mid Cap and Small Cap stocks

Strategy: Short

Published: Bi-weekly

Price: $2,189/year or $199/month. Individual reports available for $100 each.

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