It’s been another busy week at here at New Constructs. We updated a Long Idea that we really like even tough performance has not been great. We continue to believe that this company’s superior business model is trading at a major discount that the market will resolve. Our Danger Zone call this week is also an update on a pick that has performed very well (beat S&P 500 by 97%) as a short. We looked hard at whether there’s a viable market or niche for this company, and we do not think so. As a result, lots of downside remains in the stock.

David sent a new e-letter earlier this week. He dives into why good research is hard to do and hard to find. He talks about the humility we bring to the research process and how it helps us appreciate how hard we have to work to produce truly superior research.

Lastly, we updated our Exec Comp Aligned with ROIC Model portfolio – some good new stocks made the list this month.

More details are below with upcoming events. We hope you have a great weekend. 

Long Idea: High Yield (8%+), Low Risk Stock Missed by the Market

Members can read the latest Long Idea report.

Danger Zone: Don’t Foot This Bill

Members can read the latest Danger Zone report.

New E-Letter: Humility Matters, Too

Exec Comp Aligned with ROIC Model Portfolio Update for August

Featured Stocks in August 2024 Most Attractive/Most Dangerous Model Portfolios

Upcoming Research

Coverage Updates

  • 2,334: 10-Qs parsed since Aug 1.
  • 40: 10-Ks parsed since Aug 1.
  • 76 stocks, ETFs & mutual funds added to our coverage universe over the last 3 months.