Has your portfolio felt the effects of the increased market volatility?
Some valuations are reaching tech bubble levels.
Do you ever wonder if there’s important information about your investments/advice that you do not have?
Why Do Certain Stocks Underperform?
* Closing prices from August 18, 2015 to September 18, 2015
We’ve recently highlighted instances where 20% of CFO’s admit that earnings are misrepresented and even a Wall Street analyst confessing that buy ratings often contain ulterior motives. These findings point out how traditional research services are not as safe as they seem.
With high volatility and unreliable market research, one must ask themselves, what truly makes a safe investment? How can you rest easy knowing you hold quality and safe stocks in a turbulent market? Find out in this week’s webinar “Finding Safe Harbors In Market Storms”.
CEO David Trainer, a Wall Street veteran, will discuss the state of the market, what makes a safe investment, and how New Constructs finds such safe harbors for our clients. The webinar will be held live on September 24th at 4pm EST.
Click here to register for the free webinar “Finding Safe Harbors In Market Storms.”
Photo Credit: MattysFlicks