Over 10,000 Scottrade clients have signed up for New Constructs and are enjoying the benefits of our robo-analyst technology.

To show our appreciation, we are giving Scottrade members a very special deal.

Look for an e-mail with more details. If you missed the email, contact us at support@newconstructs.com with your Scottrade ID.

Here’s a summary of what you already get with the Free GOLD membership available only to Scottrade clients.

  1. Tracking and research on 25 stocks, ETF or mutual funds per quarter
  2. Alerts on all holdings in your portfolio
  3. Screen & sort investment ratings on 3,000 stocks, 450 ETFs and 7,000 mutual funds
  4. Model portfolios: 40 Most Attractive & Most Dangerous Stocks lists and the Best & Worst ETFs and Mutual Funds
  5. Long Ideas

Click here to learn more about our partnership with Scottrade.