Exec Comp Aligned With ROIC: Model Portfolio Update
Get the March edition of the Stocks With Exec Comp Aligned With ROIC Model Portfolio: up 24% since May 2016 while the S&P 500 is up 12%.
New Stocks on Exec Comp Aligned With ROIC: Featured Stock
Get a free look at one of the new stocks in this month’s Model Portfolio.
Fed Watching Can Be A Costly Distraction
Understanding the true profits of companies is a more profitable activity than listening to pundits argue about Janet Yellen.
Webinar: The Fiduciary Duty of Care: Turn Challenge Into Competitive Advantage
WealthManagement.com & TD Ameritrade are hosting a webinar for David Trainer to explain how to turn the new fiduciary rule to your competitive advantage.
Danger Zone: First Mover Advantage Wiped Out By Competition
We think the ship has sailed on this business, but the stock is still pricing in huge improvements in profitability and market share.
The Real Earnings Season Starts Now
See critical details we uncover in the footnotes of annual reports to reveal true earnings.
Filing Season Finds: March 14
1,961 forensic accounting adjustments with a value of $79 billion.
See our special feature on material weakness found in Acacia Research’s (ACTG) 10-K.
Filing Season Finds: March 15
1,064 forensic accounting adjustments with a value of $37 billion.
See our special feature on the deferred tax assets found in Pzena Asset Management’s (PZN) 10-K.
Filing Season Finds: March 16
964 forensic accounting adjustments with a value of $135 billion.
See our special feature on hidden non-operating income found in OraSure Technologies’ (OSUR) 10-K.
Filing Season Finds: March 17
1,318 forensic accounting adjustments with a value of $55 billion.
See our special feature on accumulated comprehensive loss found in Alcoa’s (AA) 10-K.
Filing Season Finds: Week In Review March 4-10
From 10-Ks filed March 4-10, our analyst team made 9,978 forensic accounting adjustments with a value of $1.5 trillion. See the breakdown of adjustments made during the previous week of filing season.
Upcoming Research
- Danger Zone: 3/20/17
- Safest Dividend Yields: Model Portfolio Update: 3/22/17
- Be on the lookout for our daily Filing Season Finds
- Follow our#filingseasonfinds on Twitter: @NewConstructs
Coverage Updates
- 102:10-Qs parsed since Mar 1.
- 950:10-Ks parsed since Mar 1.
- 256: Stocks & mutual funds added to coverage universe over the last 3 months.
Danger Zone Podcast
CEO David Trainer sat down with Chuck Jaffe of Money Life to talk about our latest Danger Zone pick.