Freight Expectations
This company is taking market share, yet its stock remains undervalued.
Snap Out of It
Extreme fundamental risk in the current valuation of this stock.
New & Expanded Video Library on YouTube
Webinar replays, DCF case studies and “Value In 60 Seconds” video shorts.
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2Q23 Model Portfolio Performance
Our Model Portfolios help outperform in good and bad markets.
Featured Stock in Most Attractive/Most Dangerous Stocks Model Portfolios
Get a free look at two of the stocks in this month’s Model Portfolios.
Danger Zone Podcast 7/31/23: Overvalued Streamer
2Q23 earnings reveal just how expensive this stock is.
Upcoming Research
- New Danger Zone: 8/14/23
- New Long Idea: 8/16/23
- Exec Comp Aligned with ROIC: Model Portfolio Update: 8/16/23
- Safest Dividend Yields: Model Portfolio Update: 8/23/23
- Q&A with our experts and other members of our Society of Intelligent Investors. Request an invite here.
Coverage Updates
- 1,900: 10-Qs parsed since Aug 1.
- 37: 10-Ks parsed since Aug 1.
- 338 stocks, ETFs & mutual funds added to our coverage universe over the last 3 months.